Possibilities If you received 100% result guarantees, it's most likely they will not be the final solution at the end.
Availability If you can't speak with your lawyer before signing the contract, it's most likely to be difficult afterwards. Some attorneys have strict rules with clients and their office staff.
Communication If you felt like the attorney didn't answer all your specific questions with a reasonable answer, it will most likely be the same after you start working together.
Contract If you don't sign a document binding the parties to comply, it will most likely to have issues afterwards.
Fees Do not hire a lawyer if you can't afford the lawyer's initial fee, because the total cost will most likely exceed the initial amount.
Digital file Our judicial system has SUMAC as the platform to open new cases and keep you informed. If you don't receive a copy of everything your lawyer receives from the court then you are not up to date with the case.
Experience Puerto Rico has had the same Family Law System for decades now, you should undertand the process beofre hiring the lawyer.
Identification Our Puerto Rico Supreme Court identifies each lawyer with a unique number (RUA), the lower that number the longer the license has been held.